
Thank you, Charles. It's a nice feeling to know that people are reading and getting something out of my work.

I agree that things certainly seem to be crumbling around us. One thing that gives me perspective though is the study of history. Could we be living in the last days? Yes. However, there are many times in history when people must have thought the same. The Civil War comes to mind. As do the world wars.

Ultimately, God's plan will play out. We don't know His timing so we must carry on the best we can, thinking always of the better future we can build if we fight for it.

And we must continue to pray for direction and wisdom to make the right choices. It's not over yet!

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May want to reconsider the “last days” thing. The last days spoken of in the Bible was the closing of the old and the opening of the New covenant. Use you same analysis and historic study to compare Matthew 24 with the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. This generation…. He was speaking to them. Research Daniel 70 weeks. Nowhere is there license to slide the 70th week forward 2024 years. Then take a look at Christs kingdom, did he say it was physical that it was of this world or is it a realm of the heart. Lord bless, , I enjoy your prose and scholarship

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Thank you, Joe, for taking the time to read and comment. At this time, I hold to a more traditional view of eschatology, believing in the future physical return of Christ and the bodily resurrection, as well as the consummation of His kingdom at that time. From my studies, I see compelling scriptural support for these future events, and I’m personally not convinced by the preterist framework as it stands.

For instance, when I read passages like 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 and Revelation 21:1-4, they seem to point toward a future fulfillment that involves both physical and global implications beyond the events of A.D. 70.

That being said, I’m always interested in learning from others and gaining a broader understanding of how different Christians interpret key passages of the Bible. While I don’t currently hold to the preterist view, I value hearing different perspectives on eschatology, as they help sharpen my own understanding of scripture. Ultimately, I think we all seek the truth of scripture, and I pray for understanding of His word.

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Hopefully we will start to hold politicians, 3 letter agencies, and billionaire globalist to the same accountability. We need a shootout at the ok corral soon… the blood of patriots and tyrants mingled and spilled in search of liberty

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Your posts and prayers have become an important part of my life.

As we meditate on our errors and improper thoughts and behavior, it is clear that, while we cannot undo the damage we have caused, we can stop sinning and begin a new life.

Sadly, this is not the fact with governments. The Biden/Zelensky alliance has led to World War III. This is a dually important day in history. Not only did the James Gang see its demise, NATO and the EU have clearly begun to crumble and no one has the courage to stop fighting. There are now NATO troops in Ukraine and secret flights of their wounded are being flown into Germany.

We are all witnesses to the end of civilization as we once knew it. The roller coaster that is that Tao cannot be stopped.

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One of my morning coffee reads. Thanks, Jason, for an enlightened story.

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Thank you, Paul. I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment.

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Sounds like the advent of time locks on safes may have been their downfall?

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