Satan is very sly and knows when we are at our weakest, finding the most vulnerable moments to strike. Certainly, when he tempted Jesus in the desert, Christ was at one his weakest human moments, but he was well aware of the enemy's schemes and resolutely remained rooted in God's word as his means of standing firm.

This episode of Arnold is so very intriguing on many levels. There was an excellent TV series done several years ago called, "TURN: Washington's Spies," based on the book by Alexander Rose, that portrays all of this very dramatically and accurately.

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“The true character of Arnold is that of a desperado. His whole life has been a life of jobs; and where either plunder or profit was the object, no danger deterred, no principle restrained him. In his person he was smart and active, somewhat diminutive, weak in his capacities and trifling in his conversation; and though gallant in the field, was defective in the talents necessary for command. The early convulsion of the times afforded him an introduction into life, to the elegance of which he was before a stranger, and the eagerness of the public to reward and encourage enterprise, procured him at once both applause and promotion. His march to Quebec gave him fame, and the plunder of Montreal put the first stamp to his public character. His behaviour at Danbury and Saratoga once more covered over his crimes, which again broke forth in the plunder of Philadelphia, under pretence of supplying the army. From this time, the true spring of his conduct being known, he became both disregarded and disesteemed, and this last instance of his treachery has proved the public judgment right.”

—Thomas Paine: The Crisis Extraordinary; 1780

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I studied ol' Benedict when I was at a military college in Georgia after high school. My instructor informed us that these types of people exist, but we had to try and stop them during times of conflict.

Look at me fading back to the past.

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Your research and commentary are always impressive!

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Thank you, Jason for another bit of history we needed to be reminded about in a world of traitors. I wonder if today's history books even cover the Revolutionary War's traitors. My youngest graduated high school in 2003. Even then, I noticed so much was missing in what was being taught, and because of the absence of history, I made it a point my children learned what was not taught in school. Because we did promote advance studies, our children are privy to the history which is repeating itself. Someone is always willing to sell their soul to the devil.

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Another great post... I did not know that his wife was somehow involved.

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So well written and a lesson of such critical importance. I love the way that you take the people and the events of history and show how they relate to scriptural truth. Invaluable.

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I watched Turn. It was very well done.

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