Sep 11Liked by Jason A Clark

Who knew ??? Great read, thanks Jason !

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God set me on a journey of living in the uncomfortable many years ago. We had moved to a new state and became involved in a larger church that had a very large International missions program. My son was angry that we had moved him and I was struggling to find my way. In church one day they announced an upcoming mission trip to India and the opportunity to volunteer in one of Mother Theresas homes in Kolkata. Years before I had listened to a talk from a young minister who talked about being in a rut in their ministry and long story but they ended up taking a trip to serve in Mother Theresas homes in Kolkata. As I recalled that talk and then now the opportunity to get out of my own rut/dark period, I decided to sign up for the trip. I had never been out of the country before, well Mexico for a vacation but never had I taken an opportunity like this. I was scared to death. I didn’t know the missions minister or anyone that was going since we were new to the church. Life changing! That was in 2010. Since that time I have been to Cambodia 12 times on mission trip, I have volunteered in ministries that serve those caught up in human trafficking and other opportunities to reach out to people who just want to know they have value. Now, on another path and we have once again moved to a place I am unfamiliar with but God continues to challenge me. This is only a portion of many things God has changed in me. Now, I decided to sign up on Substack and try my hand at writing and once again I am challenged to try something new, out of my comfort zone and see where it goes. This was so timely to read. I love the history and the scripture references and application. Very thought provoking. THANKS for sharing.

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Thank YOU for sharing, Janet! I love hearing everyone's stories. Continue following God's lead. I have no doubt you'll reach people in ways you've never imagined.

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Sep 11Liked by Jason A Clark

Even though we don't have a Piggly Wiggly anywhere near us, whenever we travel, we like to stop and check out "The Pig!" And don't forget the scene in "Driving Miss Daisy " where Hoke drives Miss Daisy to the Piggly Wiggly!

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There's an analogy in here viz the Reformation: "self-serve" access to the "food" of God's Word vs. having to go through a special priesthood... but I won't stretch that one any further.

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Sep 11Liked by Jason A Clark

Having done much of growing up years in Tennessee and Alabama, I have fond memories of going to the Piggly Wiggly just outside of Bear Creek, Alabama, with my ever-adventurous grandmother in her 1951 black Chevrolet. This was an intriguing retrospective for me, thanks.

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I'm big on the pig, as they say.

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