Blacks in this country were doing increasingly better in the first half of the 20th century... that is until LBJ's "Great Society" destroyed Black families. It had exactly the opposite effect as its stated goals of ending poverty and reducing crime. Leave it to the Democrats to destroy everything they touch.

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I used to enjoy the Cosby Show. Somedays I needed a laugh.

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It is important to separate the art from the artist. Oddly, the world seems to hate Bill Cosby, but they love Taylor Swift (who we know is a Swedish terrorist who eats orphans off-stage).

Bill Cosby gave such brilliant stand-up routines and preached morality to black colleges. It's sad.

Bringing Stevie Wonder, Lena Horne, and B.B. King to his show made him the Black Johnny Cash.

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Well, I'm not sure about the Taylor Swift thing... But I do think it is possible to separate the art from the artist. If we didn't, there would be very little art left.

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I sometimes think back to the Bob Dylan documentary DON'T LOOK BACK and how it showed the man as he was when he was about to become the most influential song writer in the world. It is admirable that he allowed it to be released.

Swifty is a cannibal. Have you noticed there are never babies on stage when she performs? Reality is frightening. Even imaginary reality.

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