A time when "Saturday Night Live" was actually live, so there was a lot of pressure to deliver and make people laugh. I guess it was hard for some people to handle the stress.

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A sobering look at the dark side of the entertainment industry... well done.

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Sep 6Liked by Jason A Clark

To some degree or another, many of us wage war against our own personal demons every day; sometimes for months, sometimes forever.

Too many people who seek relief in the adulation of others and/or substances are given to assume that the momentary elation of either will last, but discover that it never does.

Fame is perhaps the worst foe of the broken.

Few see fame for the psychic prison it actually is. It is a rare man or woman who can actually achieve it, and still manage to keep it in perspective. Broken people should avoid fame at all costs. For every night when a star goes to sleep still buzzed on the day's glitter; they awake each morning as their own worst enemy.

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Sep 2Liked by Jason A Clark

You rightly touch on an aspect of our culture that is almost always overlooked: spiritual health. And ironically, it is the foundation to good physical and mental health. Certainly, Hollywood, Satan's favorite playground outside of Washington DC, is the last place where spiritual health is considered. I'm an avid fan of 30s and 40s movies (and beyond), and I like to look up the bios of many actors and actresses. It's truly amazing how many of these people thrust into the Hollywood limelight die young, often by suicide or a drug overdose. And in recent years we have become more and more aware of the sexual crimes that are taking place on a daily basis. The typical Hollywood lifestyle is one of sinful excesses.

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Jeff, I agree completely with your assertions that we constantly overlook spiritual health. Honestly, I believe that most of our problems stem from this issue.

Hollywood has been a part of my life almost my entire life. Growing up all I wanted to do was become an actor and a director. I actually went to college to do exactly that. God had other plans for me which was likely for my own good. Certainly I would have succumbed to the depravity or long ago been cast out for my beliefs. However, as Christians, we cannot afford to overlook the power entertainment has over our culture. I feel strongly that one key to saving society is to take back entertainment (among other things).

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Sep 2Liked by Jason A Clark

I too had aspirations to be in TV and movies, and I too went to college for that, but I saw early on that it was not going to be the life for me in that world. You are absolutely right that we must take back entertainment, it a question of how to do it. Entertainment is an overwhelmingly powerful part of this culture, too powerful I think. I hope to see the new movie, "Reagan," soon. I'm hearing good things about it from those I trust.

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How interesting that our paths would cross online! I do sometimes wonder if I might have been a positive influence in that industry but I think it likely God knew better and protected me. I'm looking forward to Reagan as well. One of my favorite presidents.

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