An excellent post. I am amazed at your ability to compose your thoughtful posts daily. Thank you.

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Another fascinating post...

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Witold Polaski is a great hero whose name I never heard of before today. As Christians, we must always remember to not give in to hate: that is Satan's #1 tool to destroy us. May God give us the courage to emulate Polaski and to stand up to the fascists that are taking over the world.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Jason A Clark

Thank you for this great exposition of the heroism and bravery of Witold Pilecki . I would however like to add some additional, useful information about this incredibly courageous man, so that your readers will more fully understand this man, and the times in which he lived.

First, his last name is pronounced “Pee - let - ski “ , which is 100% Polish (the Polish alphabet has 39 letters, and many specialist pronounciations !)

Next, you correctly mention early in your article that Pilecki was born in “Russia”, but for better context it would have been more informative to mention that the very old country called Poland (constituted in 996) was taken off all world maps from 1795 to 1918. This was due to the Third Partition, when Russia, The Austro-Hungarian Empire and the German Empire conspired to invade what was the (very large) Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth, and literally erase the sovereign country of Poland. Thus, Pilecki was born in 1901 in the Russian sector of what had been Poland. But Pilecki was indeed 100% Polish. It was the Treaty of Versaille that, thankfully reinstated Poland as a sovereign nation.

Finally, the reason that so few (non-Polish) people have ever heard of Pilecki’s incredible story is that after WW2, the Russians//Soviets suppressed any mention of Poland’s patriots. They wanted the Poles to not be reminded of their own WW2 patriots, so as to try to minimize acts of rebellion against the new post-1945 Russian/Soviet occupiers. Hollywood also cooperated with the airbrushing of much of Polish WW2 bravery and history. Notably, the excellent “Battle of Britain” film was all UK produced.

Thank you again for introducing Witold’s heroic yet tragic life achievements.

Daniel M. Zamoyski

Patriotic Polonia Activist

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14 hrs agoLiked by Jason A Clark

What a courageous man! I majored in History and minored in Judaic Studies focusing on the Holocaust, and I had never heard of this man's heroic deeds. Wow! Great work, Jason!

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17 hrs agoLiked by Jason A Clark

Wow, I have read and watched many, many WWII documentaries, and yet I had never even heard of this courageous man. People like him always just amaze me, but as you clearly point out, we as Christians must make these kinds of stands on the truth of the gospel, not the platform of a political party. This political polarization is one of the main reasons I no longer engage in any social media platform. These things end up being used for evil more than for good it seems to me.

Lord, may we be constantly on guard, standing firm in your truth, being courageous and strong, and doing everything with your love.

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It's a tragedy more people haven't heard of Witold Polaski. I've always thought his story would make an amazing movie. I'm not sure why Hollywood hasn't already made one.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Jason A Clark

Good point and good question. But then, who can understand the workings and non-workings of that town?!

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