There has never been a timelier or more sobering article posted on Substack.com than this one. Most are ignorant that an anarchist blew up Wall Street. Many have no consciousness of the Great Depression and almost no one remembers the 3rd Reich and how it nearly won (or maybe won) the 2nd world war.

Today, we are faced with unbelievable challenges. Marxist and fools control the Federal government. The second attempt to murder President Trump cannot be laid at the feet of Kimberly Cheatle; yet it is significant that the government-controlled media first reported that a Kalashnikov with a sight that could have made a 500-yard murder a cinch. Within 30 minutes, that actual Assault Rifle had been downgraded to the media's #2 enemy (after Trump): an AR-15.

We all know the government and its paid stooges in all the networks and media will lie and change this story over the next few weeks. What we must be prepared for is a successful murder of Donald Trump - carried out by allies of Iran, China, and/or North Korea.

We now live in a 3rd World country where assassinations and riots are commonplace events. The 4th Turning has occurred, and everyone seems to be asleep.

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Life's expected moments these days include the media's incessant lies about what actually happens.

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Our God does not change (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8, James 1:17, etc.) Everything else in this fallen world does; sometimes, as you note, very suddenly, unexpectedly, and catastrophically.

As a "9-11 Christian" (whom the Lord has been kind to preserve these nigh on 23 years) it continues to amaze me how events like this--reminders of our fragility, our inability to predict the future, and our desperate need for the God of life and truth to preserve us--drive upsurges in superficial religiosity which quickly fade as folks go back to BAU, showing that they are well-satisfied *without* Him.

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Sep 16Liked by Jason A Clark

Thanks Jason, what an incredible article, your writing is phenomenal.

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Thank you, Bob! I appreciate your kind words.

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