A lesson greatly needed today—for sure and for certain! Our ostensibly “secular” society has become deeply religious in devotion, not just to wealth, but to pleasure, sexual gratification, and self-assertion. Plus we have the new ideologies of critical Marxism, global warming, transgenderism,and anti-Semitism. All of which provide channels by which the schemers can extract great wealth while giving their supporters an excuse to signal their “virtue.” Isn’t that one of the great secrets of a false religion: finding an excuse to claim virtue? The shrewd, and demonically driven gladly leap upon those who suffer from the great human desire to claim virtue because they grant expiation for money.

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Yes! The false religions of today that you label very well are, indeed, excuses to claim virtue. The virtue-signaling during the lockdown in 2020 became virulent, that is, extremely hostile. And all the DEI garbage is yet a continuation of this. Unfortunately, the enemy and his lackeys are very shrewd, thus the constant reminder in the New Testament to be on guard, to watch out. Sadly, many Christians have fallen asleep during this time, and we're paying the price.

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I asked my grandfather about the crash, but his answer was a little different. He said living in the country was different because there were no banks out here, so everyone used cash or bartered. In his country store, when supplies were brought, he always had to pay in cash and the driver would sign a receipt. He said just like my little brother, and I would sweep the store for a soft drink other people would do things for groceries. There was a cotton gin next to the store and in the fall, people would work in or around the gin for payment.

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My husband and I, but mostly him, has been learning the trust God first lesson all year. Love this example of realizing God should be your first and only source for provision. The idolatry lesson is so appropriate too.

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History is a rich reminder of how false gods rear their heads repeatedly. Thank you! :-)

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In the market, there will always winners at the expense of those who invest imprudently. (Especially those who bought on margin.) "The Great Bear of Wall Street." quote is evidence of that!

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