You ask: "Have you ever witnessed or heard about an event that caused widespread fear or confusion, similar to the dancing plague of 1374? How did people respond, and what role did faith play in that situation?"

Please forgive my bluntness, but I'm not going to dance around this question. Four and a half years ago, the entire world went berserk over a virus. Fear was ramped up, businesses were involuntarily closed, people were "locked down" as if they were prison inmates and forced to mask up when they were finally allowed to leave their homes, many suicides ensued because of the psychological trauma, and so much other damage to society occurred that entire libraries could be filled with the records of it. And then the damaging jabs were pushed. Faith? Well, now, that's where I think discernment really comes into play. The perpetrators who foisted the so-called pandemic on us may have intended for everyone to be entirely blindsided by it, but the ones who trusted God and his Word over the dictates and mandates of governments were not fooled.

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Amen. If you read many of my articles, you'll quickly notice that I talk about discernment a lot. God's people MUST learn to use discernment in the world we live in. Four years ago, we quickly saw what happens when the world, along with many of God's people, gave in to the spirit of fear, let down their spiritual guard, and failed to use discernment to ask important questions. Now, our prayer lists are filled with the names of those who need God more than ever before for physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual healing.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. - 2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV)

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Jun 24Liked by Jason A Clark

Excellent observations. Discernment is a cause for prayer!

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Jun 24Liked by Jason A Clark

Thank you so much for this. It was just what I needed to read this morning. Our pastor yesterday finished a series on prayer. He had found a book written by the Reformed NYC (a church on Fulton St.) pastor who in 1857 started weekly prayer meetings that sparked the 3rd Great Awakening. It's an amazing story of the power of prayer.

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Thank you, Courtenay, for taking the time to leave these encouraging words! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and got something out of it.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Jason A Clark

This was a beautiful, and timely, post! Over the last 4 years, I have paid attention to social media, really for the first time. In the last year or so, I’ve noticed a huge increase in the number of requests for prayers in posts I’ve read. There seems to be a greater need than ever before, both medically and spiritually, and I believe more and more are turning to prayer than ever before. I’ve prayed over others in a way I never did before. As strange as it sounds, I’ve learned more compassion for my fellow man, regardless of their circumstances, on social media than I did sitting on a church pew. Posts like yours make me realize that the word of God will come to you wherever you are!

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Social media gets a bad rap, many times deservedly so, but what we should always keep in mind that no matter how they act there are real people on the other side of the screen. They're real people with real problems. They are sinners in need of God's saving grace. Many times they are hurting and alone. Even the ones who infuriate us deserve our compassion and our prayers. Especially the ones who infuriate us!

I am saddened by the fact that we have more ways to communicate with more people than at any time in history yet a majority of people have never felt so alone. They need our prayers.

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Jun 24Liked by Jason A Clark

Boy, that is spot on, Jason!

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A well done and commendable piece. Living in an area of high homelessness, I see parallels here with the bizarre behaviors of the addicted. These “Walking Wounded” individuals need prayer from believers because the interventions that I see from men are simply not really working out. Thank you for the story.

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You're absolutely right. Thankfully, we serve a God who is amazing at restoration! We might not always know what others need or what to pray for but God does. And He'll answer our prayers out of His knowledge, not ours.

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Jun 25Liked by Jason A Clark

I just “found” you and I’m glad I did. My husband and I were actually looking up this exact event yesterday! How timely your article is for me! Thank you. I’ll be back for more.

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Thank you, Mary! I take no credit, of course, but I hope future articles speak to you as well.

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Another well done piece! I'd never heard of that plague...

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Thank you, Jim. The more I study history the more I keep finding myself saying, "You can't even make this stuff up!" Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.

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Jun 27Liked by Jason A Clark

You echoe my exact thoughts when I read that question. I firmly believe that the 'covid' was a massive test from God and sadly, many people failed.

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Sometimes when I pray for others I simply lift them up to God because he knows what they need. My hubby and I are self employed window cleaners and we were cramming in a job for a regular client. I have a torn meniscus and we're working 7 days right now, while I wait to see the surgeon ( thanks to God I'm seriously not in pain, but I do wear a brace). It was a public venue for weddings or parties and this couple pulled up wanting to look inside, and we started talking. They were struggling to find people to help them have a wedding...cake etc. So I told them about a local Facebook page and then said I'd pray for them to find everything they need to have their wedding. That opportunity made it all worth it, because doing God's will is always a priority for me.

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Amen! I'll add you to my prayer list though. I know that my God can provide. I know that He is faithful.

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Thank you so much!

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Jun 25Liked by Jason A Clark

This was profound and thought provoking. So much to unpack and digest. I’m glad to have found your Substack!

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I'm glad you found me! I appreciate you taking the time to read. I hope you find meaning in future articles.

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Jun 26Liked by Jason A Clark

I suppose technically you found me! I posted my first public Substack and you subscribed, so I went to see who you were. And I’m so glad that you did, and that I did. I love this kind of deep dive content!

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Even better! We found each other. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

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I could use a whole lot of intercession from any willing prayer warriors out there right now. My husband and I are in a profoundly deep and wide valley of grief, and it’s really taken a toll on us. All of us, the whole family, for several years now. And we’re tired. Really tired. But we aren’t through it yet.

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I'm sorry to hear that, Suzie. I will certainly add you and your family to my prayer list. And I'll get some other prayer warriors on it too.

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Jun 26Liked by Jason A Clark

Very much appreciated!🙏

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Prayers coming your way Suzie 🙏 (thanks to Jason A Clark who shared a Note with your request).

I don’t know the particulars of your situation but I’m so sorry you and your family are experiencing such pain. I know everyone’s grief is unique but also, we become a community with a new and different understanding of one another when we experience deep loss.

My son Jackson passed away in 2003 and it changed me (and the trajectory of my life) forever. My heart is inexorably pulled to do what I can to support and help people in grief.

If you’d like some extra support, I encourage you to sign up for this free text message service:

www.griefrelieftexts.com - messages to help you bear what feels unbearable

(Free meaning no payment info required and you will not be subscribed to an email list.)

Sending you BIG hugs and love ❤️

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Prayers for you and your family Suze!!! 😘

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