I've always wondered considering this topic: How would we today perceive the turkey as our national symbol if we had never known anything else? Because all we've ever known is the bald eagle, the thought of having a turkey as our national symbol seems funny, but what if...?

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A good question.

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The brilliant Free Mason Benjamin Franklin was a prophet as well as a genius. He somehow envisioned the USA as it looked in 1912 when Arizona first became a state. No one can deny that the lower 48 states do fit together like a puzzle and look like a turkey.

Of course, the Eagle, a majestic scavenger, is more beautiful than the turkey and I've heard that turkeys are so stupid they are in danger of drowning if they look upwards during a rainstorm.

If the True Loons in the USA have their way Tofurkey will be the nation's emblem.

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I'm glad that Ben Franklin didn't always get his way...

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I believe Ben Franklin would debate someone just to see how passionate they were about their subject. He used a turkey, but he probably could have used a crow.

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Ah, another thing he invented - trolling.

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