I just realized that I knew next to nothing about Jefferson Davis. Thank you for enlightening me and for your daily content that challenges me historically and spiritually.🙏🏾
To preserve Unity with a Satanic system that believes perverts can be ordained as ministers, that children should be castrated and fed drugs instead of turning to God for help, and the concept that boys should be allowed to torture and destroy the hopes of female athletes is to surrender to evil and accept that we cannot reverse the effects the 3rd Obama term did to the world.
Happily, the tide seems to be turning. The opportunity to return the USA to a decent country is now in our reach and a 2nd civil war no longer seems inevitable.
There have been many times when our "unions" are undeserving of our unity. Thank God He is able to change hearts and change minds. It definitely does feel like perhaps we've taken a few steps away from the precipice. Keep praying!
I have heard the first part before, of course, but I don't think I've ever seen the whole prayer. It's pretty good. I do see the similarity with my prayer now that you mention it, though it wasn't purposeful. Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't subconsciously mirrored all kinds of things at this point. Or maybe I have, and I still don't know I did!
Jefferson Davis should have listened to his wife...
Most of us should...
True, we need to walk in love of God to remain Godly united with everyone in the body of Christ.
I visited Fort Monroe a few years back. Davis was forced to live with a large American flag in his cell, which is now on display.
Black Hawk was briefly held in Fort Monroe after the Black Hawk War. He'd surrendered to then Lieutenant Jefferson Davis.
I just realized that I knew next to nothing about Jefferson Davis. Thank you for enlightening me and for your daily content that challenges me historically and spiritually.🙏🏾
I don't think many people know much about Jefferson Davis!
Except for people in the South, perhaps. : )
To preserve Unity with a Satanic system that believes perverts can be ordained as ministers, that children should be castrated and fed drugs instead of turning to God for help, and the concept that boys should be allowed to torture and destroy the hopes of female athletes is to surrender to evil and accept that we cannot reverse the effects the 3rd Obama term did to the world.
Happily, the tide seems to be turning. The opportunity to return the USA to a decent country is now in our reach and a 2nd civil war no longer seems inevitable.
There have been many times when our "unions" are undeserving of our unity. Thank God He is able to change hearts and change minds. It definitely does feel like perhaps we've taken a few steps away from the precipice. Keep praying!
There is a simple prayer used in the recovery community. Lord knows that I was wearing it out on some of the rougher days of my life.
It’s quite similar to what you wrote in your Closing Prayer.
The version usually said at meetings ends after the first few lines, the full version continues below the space.
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
As always, Jason, great post!
I have heard the first part before, of course, but I don't think I've ever seen the whole prayer. It's pretty good. I do see the similarity with my prayer now that you mention it, though it wasn't purposeful. Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't subconsciously mirrored all kinds of things at this point. Or maybe I have, and I still don't know I did!
You and the author (unknown) prove the old saying that “Great minds think alike.”
Good job Jason on your research. You have a love of history.
Thank you, Paul. I really do!