When was the last time you polished your mirror? Pretty well done and a great glimpse into history... real history!

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Usually, your Closing Prayer is my favorite part of your posts. Today it was the first section: this day in history. I love to dream and I love to dream of the Lighthouse and Atlantis. It is amazing that, deep down, we all share the same desires and needs. We may well come out of our current imagined crisis with a new and improved Abraham Accords.

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I'm the same way. I've always loved stories of Atlantis and the ancient wonders of the world. I'm a huge science fiction fan as well. Maybe Atlantis never existed. Maybe we'll never colonize other planets. I don't know. But it's fun to think about.

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I didn't know the Egyptians used lead for mortar... Interesting!

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It was very innovative. By pouring lead into the joints between the stones, they created a flexible and corrosion-resistant seal that could withstand the natural expansion and contraction caused by temperature changes and the force of waves hitting the structure.

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