I saw a meme today daring the reader to Google the phrase, "Strength through Joy." It's the new catch phrase for the new democratic candidates. It should surprise everyone where it originated! It was a phrase by propagandist Joseph Goebbel and used through Nazi Germany during WWII. This should be a wake up call to those on the fence!
Thank you again, Jason for another enlightening post!
“The Gleiwitz incident serves as a powerful reminder of the dangers of unchecked propaganda and the lengths to which authoritarian regimes may go to justify aggression. It underscores the crucial importance of questioning official narratives, especially in times of international tension.” Well said and very timely in this day of media manipulation. Absolutely excellent post. I will be sharing this!
I quit watching the national newscasts years ago because I could see their biases, prejudices, and lies. I engage only occasionally any more on social media for many of the same reasons. They are more of a poison in my life than anything, and I have great inner peace as a result.
The concept of a "media fast" for a week is genius. After all, short of the complete collapse of Ukraine or Israel, there is nothing noteworthy going on that will not be going on three months from now. In light of the Amerikan Operation Mockingbird, all we get from the media is parroting of the Progressive indoctrination.
It is no surprise that, in one week, the term "Joy" was repeated from the DNC podium and on every television "news" source nearly 400 times. People were inspired by this insipid and meaningless phrase.
We must never forget the words of Joseph Goebbels: "A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth."
Just as we have been programmed to believe that humans created the world's climate change, that poisonous "vaccines" will help fight that Wuhan virus, just as news about Hunter Biden's laptop has been suppressed and lied about and that the Biden/Harris administration has an interest in protecting its citizens, we are so overwhelmed with lies that it rolls over us like a wave and we are drowned in it.
Once the mind is controlled by outside forces, it is no longer truly our own.
Jeremiah 17:9: “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”
We are now in a time where three giant political movements are working to control the world: Islam, the WEH, and orthodox Christianity. Amerika, of course, has opted to follow the course of fascism and mind control via the funding of the criminal government of Ukraine.
How are we to understand and integrate daily events in our lives and the current state of the world? Our minds are constantly under attack by the paranoia and Satanic lies of the government and its compliant media.
A "media fast" might be just the thing to rejuvenate our spirits and lead us back to rational thinking. Since the Enemy has missiles, aircraft, submarines, aircraft carriers, and laser weapons, we have two options: cow down under the appearance of unbeatable forces or to stand up for God and goodness in all its forms.
I've done media fasts before and it really does help get you recentered. Even those of who know we're hearing propaganda can benefit from getting away from it once in awhile.
You DO mean “heterodox (non-Biblical) Christianity,” don’t you? Orthodox Christianity is AUTHENTIC, Christ-centered Christianity, NOT a “political movement” bent on world domination.
LOL People still use the word "fridge" which is an abbreviation for Refrigerator. People know what you are talking about then you use short words. (e.g. Anything that happens after we recognize I AM is a waste of breath). Christians give offerings. Some are fundamentalist. Some are homosexual. Anyone who identifies himself as a Christian has described what he-and-he-alone believe is a Christian.
Well, like I said, I got much more documented evidence of the genocide of ethnic Germans. Complete with photos of the bodies and documents of the time of Germans trying to work with the Polish govt to stop the killings. I doubt any of it will persuade. All I can say is keep investigating sources (and there are quite a few) that do not take the official whitewashed history. The maxim is true "The winner of the war gets to write the history"; and it is likewise always true that the Victor will always portray themselves as innocent, brave, noble, heroic. The loser is always portrayed as evil, horrible, crazy and murderous. Pick any war you want through human history, that portrayal is always made. The Victor's war crimes and evil, is always buried. There are great resources avail on Telegram.
You are correct in regard to the winner getting the final say-so. There are numerous examples of how the history books got it wrong. And nothing is ever black and white. However, in this particular case, even if what you are saying is true, it in no way diminishes the evil and attrocities the Nazi regime perpetrated on the world. It's one thing to say they had reason to invade Poland, but it's quite another to try to justify the Holocaust against the Jews and many others. You won't find many who are willing to give Germany the benefit of the doubt on the start of the war simply because of how they conducted themselves during the war. I'm sure if we all put ourselves in their shoes we could glean some reasoning that makes much of it logical in their eyes. Unfortunately for them, that isn't the way it works. There is just far too much damaging evidence of their other activities.
I would not justify any evil or atrocity no matter who commits it. I denounce Dresden and the firebombings of Germany and Japan, and the use of nukes on Japan as much as I deplore any genocide or death camp
I read this, but I do not believe it offers any solid evidence.
The article claims that Poland instigated the conflict with Germany, but it lacks credible evidence and relies on selective, out-of-context quotes to make its case. It ignores the well-documented, aggressive intentions of Nazi Germany and fails to acknowledge Germany's extensive military buildup and planning for invasion well before 1939.
The article's reliance on anecdotal evidence and isolated quotes from Polish figures doesn't prove that Poland was the aggressor either. Rather, it distracts from the overwhelming historical record that shows Nazi Germany's clear intent to initiate conflict for territorial expansion. Assertions without solid evidence cannot overturn the established history of Nazi aggression and propaganda.
The idea that Poland was the aggressor distorts the reality that Nazi Germany had long been preparing for territorial expansion and conquest, not defending against Polish hostility. Historical evidence consistently shows that Nazi Germany was the clear instigator, using deceit and propaganda to mask its intentions.
I think, for a correct perspective, many years before this, ethnic Germans were subject to genocide by the polish population AND the govt. 10s of thousands were killed. Hitler tried for years to seek a resolution of the problem...peacefully. Pleading with both the polish govt as well as to the international community. He was insulted, ignored and rejected. He finally put a stop to it by taking over only that part of Poland that had large populations of ethnic Germans. There comes a point in time when all peaceful means are exhausted. The only option left...was the one Hitler took. Further, there is a lot of evidence, long suppressed by the standard history books, that this was NOT a false flag operation. Again, a balanced view of all the evidence, pro or con, should be reviewed
You would need to present verifiable evidence for these claims in order for them to be considered. I haven't seen any such evidence. I have no trouble believing there are historical explanations that have been silenced or suppressed. However, Hitler's verifiable actions both before and after the war makes it very difficult to believe he tried all available peaceful means to avoid war with the Poles. Also, Alfred Naujocks testified to the black flag operation at the Nuremberg trials.
I saw a meme today daring the reader to Google the phrase, "Strength through Joy." It's the new catch phrase for the new democratic candidates. It should surprise everyone where it originated! It was a phrase by propagandist Joseph Goebbel and used through Nazi Germany during WWII. This should be a wake up call to those on the fence!
Thank you again, Jason for another enlightening post!
“The Gleiwitz incident serves as a powerful reminder of the dangers of unchecked propaganda and the lengths to which authoritarian regimes may go to justify aggression. It underscores the crucial importance of questioning official narratives, especially in times of international tension.” Well said and very timely in this day of media manipulation. Absolutely excellent post. I will be sharing this!
Thank you!
I quit watching the national newscasts years ago because I could see their biases, prejudices, and lies. I engage only occasionally any more on social media for many of the same reasons. They are more of a poison in my life than anything, and I have great inner peace as a result.
Me too. Then, a while back someone hacked my Facebook page and got me suspended. Can't say I really miss it.
Yep, maybe it was God's way of showing you His love and care.
You might be right!
The concept of a "media fast" for a week is genius. After all, short of the complete collapse of Ukraine or Israel, there is nothing noteworthy going on that will not be going on three months from now. In light of the Amerikan Operation Mockingbird, all we get from the media is parroting of the Progressive indoctrination.
It is no surprise that, in one week, the term "Joy" was repeated from the DNC podium and on every television "news" source nearly 400 times. People were inspired by this insipid and meaningless phrase.
We must never forget the words of Joseph Goebbels: "A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth."
Just as we have been programmed to believe that humans created the world's climate change, that poisonous "vaccines" will help fight that Wuhan virus, just as news about Hunter Biden's laptop has been suppressed and lied about and that the Biden/Harris administration has an interest in protecting its citizens, we are so overwhelmed with lies that it rolls over us like a wave and we are drowned in it.
Once the mind is controlled by outside forces, it is no longer truly our own.
Jeremiah 17:9: “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”
We are now in a time where three giant political movements are working to control the world: Islam, the WEH, and orthodox Christianity. Amerika, of course, has opted to follow the course of fascism and mind control via the funding of the criminal government of Ukraine.
How are we to understand and integrate daily events in our lives and the current state of the world? Our minds are constantly under attack by the paranoia and Satanic lies of the government and its compliant media.
A "media fast" might be just the thing to rejuvenate our spirits and lead us back to rational thinking. Since the Enemy has missiles, aircraft, submarines, aircraft carriers, and laser weapons, we have two options: cow down under the appearance of unbeatable forces or to stand up for God and goodness in all its forms.
I've done media fasts before and it really does help get you recentered. Even those of who know we're hearing propaganda can benefit from getting away from it once in awhile.
You DO mean “heterodox (non-Biblical) Christianity,” don’t you? Orthodox Christianity is AUTHENTIC, Christ-centered Christianity, NOT a “political movement” bent on world domination.
LOL People still use the word "fridge" which is an abbreviation for Refrigerator. People know what you are talking about then you use short words. (e.g. Anything that happens after we recognize I AM is a waste of breath). Christians give offerings. Some are fundamentalist. Some are homosexual. Anyone who identifies himself as a Christian has described what he-and-he-alone believe is a Christian.
I'm more like a Sikh.
Pretty sure the Bible talks about how God will turn away people who thought they were Christian.
Well, like I said, I got much more documented evidence of the genocide of ethnic Germans. Complete with photos of the bodies and documents of the time of Germans trying to work with the Polish govt to stop the killings. I doubt any of it will persuade. All I can say is keep investigating sources (and there are quite a few) that do not take the official whitewashed history. The maxim is true "The winner of the war gets to write the history"; and it is likewise always true that the Victor will always portray themselves as innocent, brave, noble, heroic. The loser is always portrayed as evil, horrible, crazy and murderous. Pick any war you want through human history, that portrayal is always made. The Victor's war crimes and evil, is always buried. There are great resources avail on Telegram.
You are correct in regard to the winner getting the final say-so. There are numerous examples of how the history books got it wrong. And nothing is ever black and white. However, in this particular case, even if what you are saying is true, it in no way diminishes the evil and attrocities the Nazi regime perpetrated on the world. It's one thing to say they had reason to invade Poland, but it's quite another to try to justify the Holocaust against the Jews and many others. You won't find many who are willing to give Germany the benefit of the doubt on the start of the war simply because of how they conducted themselves during the war. I'm sure if we all put ourselves in their shoes we could glean some reasoning that makes much of it logical in their eyes. Unfortunately for them, that isn't the way it works. There is just far too much damaging evidence of their other activities.
I would not justify any evil or atrocity no matter who commits it. I denounce Dresden and the firebombings of Germany and Japan, and the use of nukes on Japan as much as I deplore any genocide or death camp
Good points
I'm in Poland now and just had this explained to me by a Polish historian. Why are people so quick to believe falsehoods?
Thanks Jason, I don't believe I have ever heard that part of the war.
Great post on discernment!
Well, I tried. You keep erasing what I post. I got tons more but obviously you don't want it.
Greg, I'm not sure what you mean. I haven't deleted any of your comments or links. They are all still visible on my side.
Ok, I now see them again...must be a computer thingy
I can't see the link for europa. It was posted by me earlier. I hope you take the opportunity to view it
I read this, but I do not believe it offers any solid evidence.
The article claims that Poland instigated the conflict with Germany, but it lacks credible evidence and relies on selective, out-of-context quotes to make its case. It ignores the well-documented, aggressive intentions of Nazi Germany and fails to acknowledge Germany's extensive military buildup and planning for invasion well before 1939.
The article's reliance on anecdotal evidence and isolated quotes from Polish figures doesn't prove that Poland was the aggressor either. Rather, it distracts from the overwhelming historical record that shows Nazi Germany's clear intent to initiate conflict for territorial expansion. Assertions without solid evidence cannot overturn the established history of Nazi aggression and propaganda.
The idea that Poland was the aggressor distorts the reality that Nazi Germany had long been preparing for territorial expansion and conquest, not defending against Polish hostility. Historical evidence consistently shows that Nazi Germany was the clear instigator, using deceit and propaganda to mask its intentions.
I think, for a correct perspective, many years before this, ethnic Germans were subject to genocide by the polish population AND the govt. 10s of thousands were killed. Hitler tried for years to seek a resolution of the problem...peacefully. Pleading with both the polish govt as well as to the international community. He was insulted, ignored and rejected. He finally put a stop to it by taking over only that part of Poland that had large populations of ethnic Germans. There comes a point in time when all peaceful means are exhausted. The only option left...was the one Hitler took. Further, there is a lot of evidence, long suppressed by the standard history books, that this was NOT a false flag operation. Again, a balanced view of all the evidence, pro or con, should be reviewed
You would need to present verifiable evidence for these claims in order for them to be considered. I haven't seen any such evidence. I have no trouble believing there are historical explanations that have been silenced or suppressed. However, Hitler's verifiable actions both before and after the war makes it very difficult to believe he tried all available peaceful means to avoid war with the Poles. Also, Alfred Naujocks testified to the black flag operation at the Nuremberg trials.