This is a great piece, especially about idolatry, during the digital age. So much truth is being exposed about Hollywood, that this feels needed right now. Couple points....I'm completely infatuated with God's love for me. I've learned to put him first and I've been rewarded for it. But... the Bible does say if you love a lie, God gives you to it. Some people won't be able to hear the truth in your article.
You might be right. Unfortunately, all I can do is speak (write) the truth. I can't make anyone hear it or heed it. I will have to leave that to God and the Holy Spirit.
I think fame and celebrity, especially on Michael Jordan's level, is a unique and difficult beast. I can't speak to Jordan's situation specifically, but in general that kind of fame creates its own narcism and self-idolatry. I'm sure it's difficult to have the fame and accolades and then lose it. It would be even harder if you found your own self worth only in your accomplishments and not by looking to God to fill that void.
This is a great piece, especially about idolatry, during the digital age. So much truth is being exposed about Hollywood, that this feels needed right now. Couple points....I'm completely infatuated with God's love for me. I've learned to put him first and I've been rewarded for it. But... the Bible does say if you love a lie, God gives you to it. Some people won't be able to hear the truth in your article.
You might be right. Unfortunately, all I can do is speak (write) the truth. I can't make anyone hear it or heed it. I will have to leave that to God and the Holy Spirit.
Its also sad jordan himself has never really appeared to come to terms with the end of his so called glory days.
I think fame and celebrity, especially on Michael Jordan's level, is a unique and difficult beast. I can't speak to Jordan's situation specifically, but in general that kind of fame creates its own narcism and self-idolatry. I'm sure it's difficult to have the fame and accolades and then lose it. It would be even harder if you found your own self worth only in your accomplishments and not by looking to God to fill that void.
I did not know he was cut in high school. That small detail makes the story behind his success (perseverance and work ethic) more powerful. Thank you.